to learn, to eat, to read, to drink, to buy

New Vocabulary

lernen to learn

Ich lerne Deutsch. I learn German.

Ich lerne Deutsch. I learn German.

Ich esse japanisches Essen. I eat Japanese food.

lesen to read

Er liest ein chinesisches Buch. He reads a Chinese book.

trinken to drink

Sie trinkt heißen Kaffee. She drinks hot coffee.

kaufen to buy

Sie kaufen eine englische Zeitung. You buy an English newspaper.

Indefinite Article (Nominative & Accusative)


MasculineA manEin MannEinen Mann
FeminineA soupEine SuppeEine Suppe
NeutralA breadEin BrotEin Brot


This will be used when wie refer to the noun the first time. This also used when we it is not definite.