At the cinema

Wir wollen ins Kino.

We want to go to the cinema.

Heute lauft ein guter Film.

A good film is playing today.

Der Film ist ganz neu.

The film is brand new.

Wo ist die Kasse?

Where is the cash register?

Gibt es nich freie Platze?

Are seats still available?

Was kosten die Eintrittskarten?

How much are the admission tickets?

Wann beginnt die Vorstellung?

When does the show begin?

Wie lange dauert der Film?

How long is the film?

Kann man Karten Reservieren?

Can one reserve tickets?

Der Film war spannend.

The film was exciting.

Der Film war nict langweilig.

The film was not boring.

Aber das Buch zum Film war besser.

But the book on which the film was based was better.

Wie war die Musik?

How was the music?

Wie war die Schauspieler?

How were the actors?

Gab es Untertitelin enlischer Sprache?

Were there English subtitles?